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Case study: FFT and EDM

This is an example of how the API of can be used to further delve into the statistics of storm overflows in the River Thames. This case study will look at the 2023 FFT data for seven sewage treatment works (STWs) in Oxford to see whether unpermitted discharges of untreated water occurred, and for how long.

The data

Flow-to-full treatment (FFT)

The FFT data, provided at 15 minute resolution, is a measure of the flow in litres per second (L/s) of untreated water entering the STWs. Each STW has a permit which stipulates the minimum flow an STW is expected to handle before it resorts to diverting untreated water to storm overflow tanks. Once storm overflow tanks are full, the STW will then divert untreated water directly into the river. We acquired this data from Thames Water through an Environmental Information Regulation Request. Data was provided for the following seven STWs in Oxfordshire:

Event duration monitoring (EDM)

The event duration monitoring (EDM) data, is provided for all storm overflow sites managed by Thames water through an API. It describes when and where spills of untreated sewage into the river occur. These are recorded as ‘Start’ and ‘Stop’ events. An important caveat to this data is provided on the Thames Water website.

Although EDM gives us valuable insight to how our storm overflows are working, it isn’t always accurate. The monitors are sensitive and can play up. Even the movement of a weed growing in front of the monitor could set it off, indicating that the overflow is active when it isn’t. So when a monitor triggers, we can’t say that a certain section of the watercourse definitely contains sewage, or promise that it’s safe to swim in. EDM doesn’t confirm discharges, it only indicates them because the data received might not be accurate. We’re being open and sharing our data exactly as we receive it, so you can make more informed choices.


To determine whether unpermitted spills occurred, and for how long, the oxford rivers API will be used to compare the FFT and EDM data from the seven STWs listed above.

Specifically, spills will be classified as ‘permitted’ or ‘unpermitted’ based on whether the FFT data indicated a high-flow period exceeding the minimum permitted threshold before the spill occurred. In this analysis we will consider spills to be permitted if any of the FFT measurements (taken at 15 minute intervals) exceeded the minimum threshold in the four hours preceding the spill (Scenario A), twenty-four hours preceding the spill (Scenario B) or seventy-two hours preceding the spill (Scenario C).

Below is Python code to perform this analysis.


1. Import Libraries

import requests
import pandas as pd
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
import datetime
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import contextily as cx
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

2. Download EDM sites using the API

# the data is returned as JSON
response = requests.get("")
# we need to flatten the json to read it into pandas, this is done with json normalise. we set the record path to features to extract the data. 
sof_sites = pd.json_normalize(response.json(), record_path='features')
# convert to a geopandas dataframe for spatial processing
sof_sites = gpd.GeoDataFrame(sof_sites)
# create a geometry column
sof_sites['geometry.coordinates'] = gpd.points_from_xy(pd.DataFrame(sof_sites["geometry.coordinates"].to_list())[0], pd.DataFrame(sof_sites["geometry.coordinates"].to_list())[1])
sof_sites.set_geometry('geometry.coordinates', inplace=True)
type geometry.type geometry.coordinates properties.river
0 Feature Point POINT (-0.22923 51.48892) (Northern) Low Level No 1 Brook Green (Northern) Low Level No 1 Brook Green River Thames
1 Feature Point POINT (-0.35523 51.64569) 15 Coldharbour Lane, Bushey 15 Coldharbour Lane, Bushey Colne Brook
2 Feature Point POINT (0.28270 51.77630) Abbess Roding Abbess Roding Coopers Brook
3 Feature Point POINT (0.00031 51.53010) Abbey Mills Abbey Mills River Lee (Channelsea River South)
4 Feature Point POINT (-0.28394 51.53792) Abbeydale Road Abbeydale Road River Brent
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
557 Feature Point POINT (-1.27168 51.77214) Woodstock Road Oxford Woodstock Road Oxford River Thames
558 Feature Point POINT (0.04819 51.61066) Worcester Crescent Worcester Crescent River Roding
559 Feature Point POINT (-1.05927 51.77680) Worminghall Worminghall Worminghall Brook
560 Feature Point POINT (-0.24963 51.41495) Worple Road, SW19 Worple Road, SW19 Beverley Brook
561 Feature Point POINT (0.15557 51.74911) Wynters Brook, Hastingwood Wynters Brook, Hastingwood Shonks Brook

562 rows × 6 columns

3. Download FFT sites using the API

Note that this data includes a ‘properties.threshold’ which states the minimum permitted FFT value above which water can be diverted to storm tanks, pop.served is the approximate populated served by each STW.

# the data is returned as JSON
response = requests.get("")
# we need to flatten the json to read it into pandas, this is done with json normalise. we set the record path to features to extract the data. 
fft_sites = pd.json_normalize(response.json(), record_path='features')
# convert to a geopandas dataframe for spatial procesisng
fft_sites = gpd.GeoDataFrame(fft_sites)
# create a geometry column
fft_sites['geometry.coordinates'] = gpd.points_from_xy(pd.DataFrame(fft_sites["geometry.coordinates"].to_list())[0], pd.DataFrame(fft_sites["geometry.coordinates"].to_list())[1])
fft_sites.set_geometry('geometry.coordinates', inplace=True)
type geometry.type geometry.coordinates properties.threshold properties.popserved
0 Feature Point POINT (-1.33307 51.80664) Cassington Cassington 98.0 17200
1 Feature Point POINT (-1.21313 51.71428) Oxford Oxford 1040.0 228500
2 Feature Point POINT (-1.39009 51.75111) Stanton Harcourt Stanton Harcourt 17.5 1290
3 Feature Point POINT (-1.14786 51.76759) Forest Hill Forest Hill 2.9 500
4 Feature Point POINT (-1.24264 51.81949) Islip Islip 4.4 774
5 Feature Point POINT (-1.12397 51.80428) Horton cum Studley Horton cum Studley 4.1 430
6 Feature Point POINT (-1.37636 51.69619) Appleton Appleton 47.5 6850

4. Merge the two listings using a nearest spatial join

fft_merged_sites = gpd.sjoin_nearest(fft_sites,sof_sites)
type_left geometry.type_left geometry.coordinates properties.id_left properties.name_left properties.threshold properties.popserved index_right type_right geometry.type_right properties.id_right properties.name_right properties.river
0 Feature Point POINT (-1.33307 51.80664) Cassington Cassington 98.0 17200 93 Feature Point Cassington Cassington River Thames
1 Feature Point POINT (-1.21313 51.71428) Oxford Oxford 1040.0 228500 395 Feature Point Oxford Oxford Pottery Stream
2 Feature Point POINT (-1.39009 51.75111) Stanton Harcourt Stanton Harcourt 17.5 1290 476 Feature Point Stanton Harcourt Stanton Harcourt Harcourt Brook
3 Feature Point POINT (-1.14786 51.76759) Forest Hill Forest Hill 2.9 500 214 Feature Point Forest Hill Forest Hill Polecat End Ditch
4 Feature Point POINT (-1.24264 51.81949) Islip Islip 4.4 774 284 Feature Point Islip Islip River Ray
5 Feature Point POINT (-1.12397 51.80428) Horton cum Studley Horton cum Studley 4.1 430 276 Feature Point Horton-Cum-Studley Horton-Cum-Studley Danes Brook
6 Feature Point POINT (-1.37636 51.69619) Appleton Appleton 47.5 6850 15 Feature Point Appleton Appleton Marcham Brook

5. Calculate unpermitted vs permitted spills at each site based on scenario A (4 hour), scenario B (24 hour) and scenario C (72 hour) preceding time periods.

def calculate_unpermitted_spills(fft_merged_sites,time_hrs):
    This function takes a merged fft/edm pandas dataframe and calculates how many spills occurred, and how many unpermitted spills occurred. 
    Spills are calculated as unpermitted if there is no breach of the minimum permit in any of the readings in the time_hrs preceeding the spill event.

    time_hrs should be given in hours.
    #only reset index if its been set
    if 'Cassington' in fft_merged_sites.index:
    fft_merged_sites.set_index('properties.id_right', inplace=True)
    #spill stats
    fft_merged_sites['spill_events'] = 0 
    fft_merged_sites['spill_days'] = 0 
    fft_merged_sites['spill_duration'] = 0 
    fft_merged_sites['mean_spill_duration'] = 0 
    #unpermitted spill stats
    fft_merged_sites['unpermitted_spill_events'] = 0 
    fft_merged_sites['unpermitted_spill_days'] = 0 
    fft_merged_sites['first_spill'] = ""
    fft_merged_sites['last_spill'] = ""
    fft_merged_sites['first_unpermitted_spill'] = ""
    fft_merged_sites['last_unpermitted_spill'] = ""
    fft_merged_sites['unpermitted_spill_duration'] = 0 
    fft_merged_sites['mean_unpermitted_spill_duration'] = 0 
    # get the spill data 
    for id in fft_merged_sites.index:
        response = requests.get(f"{id}&date=2023-01-01&datasetID=edm")
        spills = pd.json_normalize(response.json(), record_path = 'data')

        # if there is data 
        if len(spills) > 0:
            spills['dti'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(spills['datetime'])
            spills['date'] = spills['dti']
            #filter spills to 2023
            spills = spills[spills.dti.dt.year==2023]

            # calculate the duration of each spill
            start_spills = spills[spills['value'] == 'Start']
            stop_spills = spills[spills['value'] == 'Stop']
            stop_spills.index = stop_spills.index - 1 
            spills['spill_length'] = stop_spills['dti'] - start_spills['dti']
            #summarise all spill stats in fft_merged_sites
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'spill_events'] = np.sum(spills['value']=='Start')
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'spill_days'] = len(spills['date'].unique())
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'first_spill'] = spills['dti'].min()
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'last_spill'] = spills['dti'].max()
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'spill_duration'] = spills['spill_length'].sum()
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'mean_spill_duration'] = spills['spill_length'].mean()
            # now figure out spill days where fft was under a certain threshold 
            response = requests.get(f"{fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'properties.id_left']}&date=2023-01-01&datasetID=fft")
            fft_threshold = fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'properties.threshold']
            fft_timeseries = pd.json_normalize(response.json(), record_path = 'data')
            fft_timeseries['dti'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(fft_timeseries['datetime'])
            fft_timeseries['date'] = fft_timeseries['dti']
            # filter spills to the maximum fft dti and the minimum fft dti plus time_hrs hours
            spills = spills[(spills['dti'] >= fft_timeseries['dti'].min() + datetime.timedelta(hours=time_hrs)) & (spills['dti'] <= fft_timeseries['dti'].max())]        
            # calculte the date of the time_hrs hours previous 
            spills['time_period_hr_prev'] =  spills['dti'] - datetime.timedelta(hours=time_hrs)
            spills['unpermitted_spill'] = False
            # figure out if the fft values ever breached the threshold in this period 
            for idx in spills.index:
                temp_fft = fft_timeseries[(fft_timeseries['dti'] >= spills.loc[idx,'time_period_hr_prev']) & (fft_timeseries['dti'] <= spills.loc[idx,'dti'])]
                temp_fft['value'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_fft['value'])
                tp_sum = sum(temp_fft['value'] >= fft_threshold)
                if tp_sum == 0:
                    spills.loc[idx,'unpermitted_spill'] = True
            # summarise the unpermitted spill stats
            unpermitted_spills = spills[spills['unpermitted_spill']==True]
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'unpermitted_spill_events'] = len(unpermitted_spills[unpermitted_spills['value']=='Start'])
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'unpermitted_spill_days'] = len(unpermitted_spills['date'].unique())
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'first_unpermitted_spill'] = unpermitted_spills['dti'].min()
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'last_unpermitted_spill'] = unpermitted_spills['dti'].max()
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'unpermitted_spill_duration'] = unpermitted_spills['spill_length'].sum()
            fft_merged_sites.loc[id,'mean_unpermitted_spill_duration'] = unpermitted_spills['spill_length'].mean()

            raise ValueError('The Thames EDM API did not return any data.')
    ## add some extra stats, like the total spill duration in hours, the spill days/duration per population served, and the percentage of spill hours that were unpermitted
    fft_merged_sites['unpermitted_spill_duration'] = pd.to_timedelta(fft_merged_sites['unpermitted_spill_duration'])
    fft_merged_sites['spill_duration'] = pd.to_timedelta(fft_merged_sites['spill_duration'])
    fft_merged_sites['unpermitted_spill_duration_hours'] = fft_merged_sites['unpermitted_spill_duration']/pd.Timedelta(hours=1)
    fft_merged_sites['spill_duration_hours'] = fft_merged_sites['spill_duration']/pd.Timedelta(hours=1)
    fft_merged_sites['percent_unpermitted_spill_hours'] = fft_merged_sites['unpermitted_spill_duration']/fft_merged_sites['spill_duration'] * 100

    #reformat the table and output 
    formatted_data = fft_merged_sites.filter(['properties.id_right','geometry.coordinates','properties.popserved','spill_days','unpermitted_spill_days','spill_duration_hours','unpermitted_spill_duration_hours','percent_unpermitted_spill_hours'])
    formatted_data.rename(columns={'properties.popserved':'Population served', 'properties.id_right':'STW Name','spill_days':'No. days that spills occured','unpermitted_spill_days':'No. days that unpermitted spills occured','spill_duration_hours':'Total spill duration (hours)','unpermitted_spill_duration_hours':'Total unpermitted spill duration (hours)', 'percent_unpermitted_spill_hours':'Percentage unpermitted spill hours (%)'}, inplace=True)

    return formatted_data

Scenario A: 4 hour time period

pd.set_option('display.precision', 2)
geometry.coordinates Population served No. days that spills occured No. days that unpermitted spills occured Total spill duration (hours) Total unpermitted spill duration (hours) Percentage unpermitted spill hours (%)
Cassington POINT (-1.33307 51.80664) 17200 2 1 14.25 0.00 0.00
Oxford POINT (-1.21313 51.71428) 228500 94 89 1839.50 1479.25 80.42
Stanton Harcourt POINT (-1.39009 51.75111) 1290 65 18 1322.00 132.25 10.00
Forest Hill POINT (-1.14786 51.76759) 500 5 5 8.75 8.75 100.00
Islip POINT (-1.24264 51.81949) 774 18 0 443.25 0.00 0.00
Horton-Cum-Studley POINT (-1.12397 51.80428) 430 44 8 630.50 156.25 24.78
Appleton POINT (-1.37636 51.69619) 6850 90 90 1692.25 1692.25 100.00

Scenario B: 24 hour time period

geometry.coordinates Population served No. days that spills occured No. days that unpermitted spills occured Total spill duration (hours) Total unpermitted spill duration (hours) Percentage unpermitted spill hours (%)
Cassington POINT (-1.33307 51.80664) 17200 2 0 14.25 0.00 0.00
Oxford POINT (-1.21313 51.71428) 228500 94 77 1839.50 1040.00 56.54
Stanton Harcourt POINT (-1.39009 51.75111) 1290 65 7 1322.00 79.25 5.99
Forest Hill POINT (-1.14786 51.76759) 500 5 5 8.75 8.75 100.00
Islip POINT (-1.24264 51.81949) 774 18 0 443.25 0.00 0.00
Horton-Cum-Studley POINT (-1.12397 51.80428) 430 44 5 630.50 81.00 12.85
Appleton POINT (-1.37636 51.69619) 6850 90 89 1692.25 1630.25 96.34

Scenario C: 72 hour time period

geometry.coordinates Population served No. days that spills occured No. days that unpermitted spills occured Total spill duration (hours) Total unpermitted spill duration (hours) Percentage unpermitted spill hours (%)
Cassington POINT (-1.33307 51.80664) 17200 2 0 14.25 0.00 0.00
Oxford POINT (-1.21313 51.71428) 228500 94 56 1839.50 721.75 39.24
Stanton Harcourt POINT (-1.39009 51.75111) 1290 65 3 1322.00 33.25 2.52
Forest Hill POINT (-1.14786 51.76759) 500 5 5 8.75 8.75 100.00
Islip POINT (-1.24264 51.81949) 774 18 0 443.25 0.00 0.00
Horton-Cum-Studley POINT (-1.12397 51.80428) 430 44 5 630.50 81.00 12.85
Appleton POINT (-1.37636 51.69619) 6850 90 87 1692.25 1619.00 95.67


Across all scenarios, unpermitted spills (below minimum threshold permitted) occurred in five out of the seven STWs. These spills may have been genuine, caused by malfunctions in the STWs preventing low-flow water from being adequately treated, or artifacts, due to false positives recorded by the sensors that detect sewage overflow events.

Oxford and Appleton recorded the highest duration of unpermitted spills (721.75 and 1619 hours respectively under Scenario C). This represented 95.67 % of all spills at Appleton, indicating repeated malfunctioning in the STW itself or in the sensors that detect spills. This is worth further investigation.

Cassington and Islip recorded no unpermitted spills under any scenario, this indicates these STWs are functioning well.