About the Oxford Rivers Portal
The Oxford Rivers Portal has been developed as part of the GOVAQUA project (Governance transitions for sustainable and equitable water use in Europe).
GOVAQUA is a pan-European project, co-funded by the European Union (Grant agreement ID: 101086578) and UKRI (Project reference: 10063130).
It aims to accelerate a transition towards sustainable and equitable water use by better water governance.
'Sustainable' means that water is not overused, and the environment, biodiversity and the climate are protected. 'Equitable' means that the use of water resources is fair and just.
This will foster changes so that freshwater resources (rivers, streams, lakes, groundwater) are used in a greener and fairer way. The project will identify good practices and further co-develop, assess and validate these in six real-world living labs.
Living Labs
A key part of the project are six 'Living Labs', each in a different country, running from August 2023 to July 2026.
The Living Labs are:
- Collaborative initiatives,
- Catalysing innovation,
- In real-life settings,
- Promoting a transition towards sustainability.
Each Living Lab focusses on one or more of the following areas (Oxfordshire focus highlighted):
Legal and regulatory change
Participatory and collaborative approaches
Economic and financial instruments
Digital solutions
Find out more
If you want to find out more or become more closely involved with the Oxfordshire Living Lab, please email Claire Robertson.
Follow GOVAQUA (@GOVAQUAproject) on Twitter to find out what the other Living Labs are getting up to.
The partners for the Oxfordshire Living Lab are: